These pictures start at just after her 11 week birthday, and end just before she turned 13 weeks. And in that time, she went from about 18 pounds to 25 pounds!
My favorite indoor toy now is this weasle-ball. | I'm not supposed to lie down in the thyme. |
I am a big help in the garden. | But I'm not supposed to dig! |
Sometimes they put me on the backyard swing. | I think I'm sitting in the thyme again. |
I love to pose, whether under the arbor... | Or with my soccer ball. |
Oh, I'm not supposed to eat these either. | Did I mention my favorite toy? |
But most of all, I love playing with little girls! | But I'm not supposed to bite them. |
Sometimes I chase the camera guy. | I love to pounce! |
To run with my ears flapping! | And to play soccer. |